UK economy set for strong third-quarter growth as retail sales surprise in September

More good news on the UK economy emerged today as official figures showed retail sales recovering strongly in September.
Sales volumes rose 0.6 per cent after a surprise 0.8 per cent fall in August, according to the Office for National Statistics. The surge was driven by furniture sales, which compensated for weak sales at supermarkets.
The ONS said furniture stores reported a strong month, suggesting momentum in Britain's housing market may be feeding through to the sector, with household goods stores growing volumes by 3 per cent.
UK retail sales recovered strongly in September.
UK retail sales recovered strongly in September.
Sales volumes at supermarkets fell 0.2 per cent on the month, following a 2.5 per cent slump in August.
The better-than-expected retail performance will strengthen the outlook for overall economic growth in the third quarter, which is expected to surpass the second quarter rate of 0.7 per cent.

However, jobs figures yesterday indicated that renewed growth is taking some time to feed into the labour market: the UK unemployment rate held steady at 7.7 per cent while the number of Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants fell sharply.
James Knightley, economist at ING Bank, said: 'With employment rising and house prices continuing to push higher, it is likely that consumer confidence will continue to strengthen.
'This should be supportive of ongoing improving retail sales numbers.
'The main concern in the near term is higher utility bills, which could squeeze household finances.'
Statisticians said the fall in supermarket sales volumes was largely driven by slumping sales of household goods rather than food.
Overall sales volumes were up 2.2 per cent in the month on a year earlier, while the amount spent in the retail sector increased by 0.5 per cent on the month.
Sales at clothing, footwear and textile retailers increased 1.2 per cent on the month.
Martin Beck, UK economist at consultancy Capital Economics, said: 'The revival in the housing market finally seems to be feeding through to consumers' purchases.
'The consumer should contribute to another decent rise in growth domestic product in the third quarter.'
Mr Knightley said figures offer more encouragement over consumer spending.
British Gas today became the latest energy giant to put prices up, and will hike electricity tariffs by 10.4 per cent and gas by 8.4 per cent from next month.
Internet shopping increased by 19.1 per cent on a year earlier to an average of £615 million a week. Online shopping now accounts for 10.2 per cent of all retail spending, excluding fuel.
The ONS said sales of new computer game Grand Theft Auto 5 may have given computer and telecoms stores a boost, helping them grow sales 4.8 per cent on a month earlier.

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